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The quality of our products comes from the most prestigious refineries in the world

We provide innovative product solutions for all sustainable progress partners.


Projects have been completed

We only provide top petroleum products

Jet Fuel,                                     Diesel EN590 10 ppm, Bitumen,                                    Crude Oil,                                     Liquified Petroleum Gas, Kerosene,                                     Pet Coke,                                            D6 - Virgin Fuel Oil                                             

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Oil & Gas Refinery Construction

Embarking on the Realm of Oil & Gas Refinery Construction Endeavors: Nurturing Innovations in Construction, Elevating Existing Infrastructure, and Ensuring Sustenance of Energy Facilities                                                                                                                     

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Oil Refinery

An oil refinery or petroleum refinery is an industrial process plant where petroleum (crude oil) is transformed and refined into useful products such as gasoline (petrol), diesel fuel, asphalt base, fuel oils, heating oil, kerosene, liquefied petroleum gas and petroleum naphtha.

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Check Our Projects

Checkout now our recently completed projects

The Bog Project

2017 Wyoming

Philippine Pipeline Project

2015 Philippines

The Tank Project

2017 Texas


Happy customers


Oil & gas products


Projects completed

Largest oil & gas plants in industry.
for best solutions.

Economy needs a healthy oil & gas industry

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We only provide quality pertroleum services in more than 11 countries

Kayana & Dakson Petroleum Feedbacks

What they’re saying?

Alexander Mitchell
William Parker
Michael L.
Alexander Mitchell

"Working with Kayana Petroleum has been a game-changer for our company. Their commitment to quality, reliability, and sustainability in the petroleum industry is unparalleled. We've partnered with them for several years now, and their consistent supply of top-notch products has significantly boosted our operational efficiency. Kayana Petroleum truly stands out as a trusted partner in the energy sector."

Alexander Mitchell

Managing Director

William Parker

"Kayana Petroleum has been our preferred fuel supplier for our global fleet for over a decade. Their dedication to safety and environmental standards is impressive. Not only do they provide us with high-quality marine fuels, but their team also offers exceptional support and guidance on fuel efficiency measures. We highly recommend Kayana Petroleum to anyone in the maritime industry."

William Parker

Procurement Manager

Michael L.

"In our quest to reduce our carbon footprint, Kayana Petroleum has been instrumental. Their commitment to sustainable practices and their range of eco-friendly fuel options have been crucial in achieving our green energy goals. We've found them to be not just a supplier but a partner in our mission for a cleaner future."

Michael L.

Procurement Manager


Years of

What We’re Offering

Providing solutions for petroleum products

  Crude Oil


  Diesel EN590 10 ppm


  Liquified Petroleum Gas




  Jet Fuel




  Pet Coke


  D6 - Virgin Fuel Oil


Trusted by more than 11
most popular brands

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Providing superior and cost-effective solutions for the petroleum industry, encompassing both refining processes and comprehensive industrial services